A Series of International Conferences on Safe Communities - initiated by the: Safe Community movement
Professor Reza Mohammadi, Chairman
Namsoo Park, General Manager
E-mail: hygeia88@gmail.com
Below at http://www.isccc.global
1 Conference objectives and stakeholders
In most countries around the world, health policies are increasingly focusing on prevention as the necessary complement to effective cure and care and to increase the safety of population. Safety promotion and injury prevention at the local level, involvement of the local communities resources, the so called Safe Community model should be seen as priority issues in that respect, as injuries rank third among the major causes of death and second in terms of years of life lost due to premature death.
Severe injuries are a major threat to health in the community and present a great financial burden for society at large; there is a great challenge for society to strengthen efforts in injury reduction and safety promotion. This implies significant changes in public attitudes and behaviour concerning safety as well as in professional commitment: we must accept that death and injuries, due to violence and accidents, are not “accidental”, and that much can be done to reduce them effectively.
The Safe Community model for injury prevention has been successful, and has in some instances shown injury reductions on average 30% - even up to 60%.
1.2 The Safe Community Network
A network of demonstration programmes has been established since 1989, the so called
Safe Community Network, with currently more than 400 active members (September 2019). The following countries are involved by fulfilling the seven Indicators
1.3 The Safe Community Support Centres
An organization can be appointed as a Safe Community Support Centre, by providing advice and assistance in the field of safety promotion to the communities. The following centres so far 23 have been appointed (September 2019)
2.1 Introduction
The purpose of this note is to help those interested in preparing an offer for hosting one of the future International Conferences on Safe Communities Safe Comm-xx, and Regional Safe Communities conferences.
Before preparing a bid in writing, it is advised to contact the Chairman, Professor Reza Mohammadi (E-mail reza.mohammadi@isccc.global) and General Manager Guldbrand Skjönberg (E-mail: guldbrand@skjonberg.se)
If you are interested in hosting one of the future conferences, you should provide the International Safe Community Certifying Centre with detailed information on:
Date, location and the proposed major theme of the conference.
Detailed information on the organisation and logistics, including a well documented financial budget, and sponsors.
This bid should be conveyed to the in advance, preferably more than 2 years ahead.
2.2 Evidence with respect to the organisation and logistics
This should include information about the accommodations offered on site, such as:
- Available conference accommodation, and preferred options (confirming availability at the planned dates);
- Details with respect to conference halls available, number of seats etc. (both for main hall and for concurrent meetings) and available audio-visual equipment /support
- Transportation facilities in areas for the guests
- Details on opportunities for social events (reception/conference dinner)
- Information on available hotels, in various categories
- Proposed Professional Conference Organiser (PCO), its credentials as well as a full report on the services provided and cost
This should result in a detailed financial prognosis, detailing
- Fixed costs: Venue, Staging, Printing & Stationery, Administration & Staffing National Organising Meeting, Public relations & marketing
Fellowships and scholarships
Meetings with Executive Committee
Conference budget shall include 2 people from the International Certifying Centre
(Travel, conference participation and hotel costs)
+ 20.000:- SEK in administrative costs.
- Variable costs: Catering
Social Events
Abstract book
Proceeding from the Conference 5
- Income: Sponsorship
Participants fee
Government funding
4.Responsibilities of International Organising Committee (IOC) and Local Organising
Committee (LOC)
4.1 Introduction
The purpose of this note is to provide a listing of
All activities related to organising a Safe Community
Experiences from past events have shown, that it is of crucial importance for a successful working relationship between the co-organisers to maintain an excellent communication- thorough, honest, clear, and early and in writing.
The following provides a checklist for a division of tasks and responsibilities between the LOC and the IOC.
The first part deals with tasks and responsibilities
Of the IOC, covering subjects areas, which concern policy matters on which all partners should agree.
The second part narrows down to tasks and responsibilities for the material organiser of the event, the
4.2 International Organising Committee (IOC)
Oversight on time planning and meeting schedule
Objective, scope and composition of the LOC, and brief introduction of co-organising parties;
Chairmanship of the LOC and its Secretariat;
Various LOC-committees to be established during the preparatory stage, during the conference
Standing Orders of the Conference
Timetable for all relevant actions (call for abstracts and registration) to be undertaken by the LOC with support of the International Safe Community Certifying Centre
Decisions on programme content it should be agreed by all partners that programme policy and professional content are the responsibilities of the IOC and the LOC. Further items to be decided jointly are:
Objectives of these conference and its major themes;
Target groups and professional bodies to liaise with
Keynote speakers
The LOC-proposals for handling and reviewing abstracts (including 1 representative appointed by the International Safe Community Certifying Centre.
Opening and closing ceremony requirements
Pre- and post- conference seminars and social programme.