Xizhi Safe Community District
Name of the Community:Xizhi District, New Taipei City Country: China (Province of Taiwan)
Number of inhabitants: 196028
Programme started year: 2009
Designation year: 2011 Full application available:
For further information contact:
Name: Mr. Chao-Chin Hu
Institution: Sioufong Community Development Association Address: No.1, Qinjin Road, Xizhi Dist.
Zip code: 22175
City: New Taipei City Country: Taiwan
Phone (country code included): +886-2-26427613 Fax (country code included): +886-2-26489007 E-mail: si7613@yahoo.com.tw
Info address on www for the institution: http://www.hometown.org.tw/blog/si0688/communityAction.do?method=doCommunityView
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