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Wuxi Taihu Technology Park


Safe Community Wuxi Taihu Technology Park (Xin'an Sub-district)

Name of the community: Wuxi Taihu Technology Park (Xin'an Sub-district) Country: China
Number of inhabitants in the community: 38,255 (Permanent population)
Safe Community Programme started year: 2010

International Safe Communities Network Membership: Designation year: 2013
Name of the Certifying Centre: Safe Communities Foundation New Zealand

For further information contact:

Community Contact: +86 0510 85383019
Name: Zhou Mujian
Institution: Wuxi Taihu Technology Park (Xin'an Sub-district) Office
Address: No.26 of Zhenxin Road, Xin’an Sub-district, WND, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province
Zip code: 214135
City/Province: Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province
Country: China
Tel:+86 0510 85383019
Fax: +86 0510 85383671
Community Website:

The programme covers the following safety promotion activities:

To read more click wuxi_technology2013-form-b.pdf under downloads