Wujiaochang Town
Wujiaochang Safe Community
Name of Community: Wujiaochang Sub-district, Yangpu District, Shanghai
Country: China
Number of inhabitants in the community: There were 65,445 households in total, more than 149,000 permanent residents (117,000 registered permanent residents).
Safe Community Programme started: 2007
International Safe Communities Network Membership: Designation year: 2012
Name of the Certifying Centre: Safe Communities Foundation, New Zealand
Application including comments: http://www.ki.se/csp/pdf/application_a/wujiaochang.pdf
Application Review Summary: http://www.ki.se/csp/pdf/review/wujiaochang_2012.pdf http://www.ki.se/csp/pdf/asessment/wujiaochang.pdf
For further information contact:
Xie Kangyin
Shanghai Yangpu District, Wujiaochang Subdistrict office No. 60, Guohe Road, Shanghai, China
Shanghai 200433, China
Phone: +86-21-55235912
Fax: + 86-21-65388820
E-mail: 181658603@qq.com
Community website: www.shyp.gov.cn