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Wiangsa Sub District

Good example - Safe water

Safe Festivals


Boat racing is the famous festival in Wiangsa and for neighbor regions. Normally the boat racing offered both entertainment and a festival feast, which was popular to serve and drink alcohol. However, since 2011, the municipality started focus the safety for villagers, visitors and boat racers; therefore, drinking alcohol and gambling which may lead to quarrel, fighting and end up with injury or death, have been forbidden. The action plans for having ‘safe sport’ and ‘safe festival’ included 1) coordination among networking groups led by the municipality, supported by hospital, public health officials, police, villagers, children, and so on, 2) dissemination all information to public notice and attention for safety 3) alcohol not allowed for sale and consumption during the boat racing festival, 4) health check up offered to boat racers and suggestions about appropriate exercise and warm-up prior to competition were made to racers - - alcohol could not energize. Under the concept of alcohol free festival, no fighting and injury found and this led the boat racing festival more joyful and meaningful.


Contact person with Email address:

Thanthiya Rotsiripanukol

Email : rikakorn@hotmail.com


Good example - Disaster preparedness and response

Flood management


Wiangsa is one of economic hub and main transportation route of Nan province. However, as being located by 2 rivers namely Nan river and Sa river, flood caused the great loss of property and economic buildings. Help request made to local authority may not reach the full capacity because the public officials in flood management and mitigation were also the flooding victims. Therefore, ‘self help’ initiative started and this created the sense of being community members in mutually solving community problem. Different working groups and volunteers were formed to take charge of flood management and preparedness from pre- to post- flooding. Traditional floodwall was done by people themselves of the community. Flood early warning on technology based was introduced such as social media namely line and message. The inclusive flood management on community participatory basis showed a very effective prevention in protecting the loss of community property and showed zero victims. Sharing of flooding experience with other communities helps to extend knowledge and more efficient prevention solutions.


Contact person with Email address:

Theerapun Soitha

Email : THEERA_30@hotmail.com

Good example - Involvement of grassroots

Safe Culture


Creating and directing safe culture from generation to generation has been done by build up a safety attitude toward all community members. People learn that safety can bring about physical, emotional, and social well-being Unsafe behavior may hurt themselves and others. To create safe culture, community would let their people and children join and take charge of each safety program.

Good example - Safe traffic

Helmet fund

Helmet fund project at Wiangsa was grant to young children at child care center. This aims to reduce child injury from motorbike accidents and prevent any possible severe injury. It was done by informing parents, creating their attention to join the helmet fund project for safety to their kids, making them understand safety in riding and traffic rules, and promoting the use of helmet in young children group. Once wearing helmet becomes children’s habits, they will play a major role in convincing their parents to wear helmet on riding. The scheme of helmet fund is to create safe behavior on riding starting from children group and extending to adult group.


Contact person with Email address:

Thanthiya Rotsiripanukol

Email : rikakorn@hotmail.com


Wiangsa Sub District, Nan


Number of inhabitants in the community:8,599

Safe Community Program started year/month:2006

Name of Certifier:Guldbrand Skjönberg

Name of Co-certifier:Michael L Wilson

Name of the Safe Community Support Centre:Child Safety Promotion and Injury Prevention Research Centre, Thailand. Contact person Chadaporn Suksiriwan Email: suksiriwan@hotmail.com Info address on www for the Safe Community Program:www.csip.org


Info adress to the community: http://www.wiangsa.go.th 

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