Waimakariri Safe Community No. 47
Country: New Zealand
Number of inhabitants in the community: Approximately 50,000
Safe Community Programme started year: 1994
International Safe Communities Network Membership: #47 Designation year: 1999, 2006, 2013
Name of the Certifying Centre: Safe Communities Foundation New Zealand www.safecommunities.org.nz/sc/w
Application report: http://www.ki.se/csp/pdf/application_a/47waimakariri.pdf
For further information contact:
Tessa Sturley: Community Team Leader
Institution: Waimakariri District Council Community Team Address: Private Bag 1005, Rangiora 7404
City: Rangiora, North Canterbury
Country: New Zealand
Phone/Fax : 64 3 311 8900
E-mail: tessa.sturley@wmk.govt.nz
Waimakariri District Council website: www.waimakariri.govt.nz
The programme covers the following safety promotion activities: For the age group
Children 0-14 years:
Child Safety Partners: Rangiora Maternity hospital, Karanga Mai, Baby on the Move, Fire, Police, Ambulance, Plunket, Road Safety primary schools and preschool parents group., local pharmacies, Plunket, Te Runanga o Tuahuriri, Waimakariri District Council Green Space, Policy and Strategy, Planning and building units, Water Safety New Zealand, Swimming New Zealand, Surf Lifesaving, Coastguard, Waimakariri Aquatics, local primary schools |
'Down the Back Paddock’ farm safety programme for primary schools Playground safety addressed through Council-wide commitment to CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) ‘Recognize, Respond and Refer’ programme to address child abuse |
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Youth 15-24 years:
Youth 15-24 years Partners: High Schools, North Canterbury Sport and Recreation Trust, Hope Community Trust, Oxford Community Trust, Wellbeing North Canterbury, R13 Trust, White Elephant Trust, Police, Waimakariri District Council Green Space, Policy and Strategy, Planning and building units, |
The ‘Good, the Bad and the Ugly’ parent education programme on alcohol and sexual safety Suicide Prevention |
Adults 25-64 years:
Adults 25-64 years Partners: ACC, North Canterbury Sport and Recreation Trust, Mitre 10 Mega, Rangiora, Department of Labour, Coastguard, Local liquor licensees, police, ACC, Corrections, Turnaround Waimakariri, Road Safety, local preschools, Wellbeing North Canterbury, Site Safe, Waimakariri Access Group, Councillors, Waimakariri District Council Green Space, Policy and Strategy, Planning and building units |
DIY Safety, including ladder falls campaign ‘The Good the Bad and the Ugly’ teenage drinking programme (under development) Recidivist Drink-drive programme |
Elderly 65+ years:
Elderly 65+ years Partners: Presbyterian Support, ACC, Darnley Club, Age Concern, Waimakariri Access Group, local physiotherapist Waimakariri Access Group, Councillors, Waimakariri District Council Green Space, Policy and Strategy, Planning and building units |
DIY Safety, including ladder falls campaign |
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Natural Disaster:
Civil Defence Emergency Preparedness Partners: Ministry of Social Development, Presbyterian Support, Civil Defence Volunteers, New Foundations |
Community Team function as the Welfare Team in a Civil Defence Emergency |
Violence prevention:
Suicide prevention:
Programs aiming at”High risk-groups”:
Family Violence Prevention Partners: Christchurch Women’s Refuge, Police, Corrections, Barnardos, Battered Women’s Trust, Child Youth and Famil, Waimakariri district Councillors, local primary and secondary schools, local business |
‘Recognise, Respond and Refer’ child abuse education for health and educational professionals Reach-out Men’s Advocacy campaign |
Suicide Prevention Partners: Social Services Waimakariri, RCPHO(Rural Canterbury Primary Health Organisation), Partnership Health, Problem Gambling, High School Principals, Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse, Wellbeing North Canterbury, NZ Police, Rural Support Trust, Kia Piki te Ora, ACC, Department of Labour, Oxford Community Trust, Agribusiness, local schools |
The establishment of a “Bereaved by Suicide” support group in response to evidence that those affected by suicide are at greater risk of taking their own lives. Support for ‘Men’s Shedz’ as a means to facilitate connectedness and emotional wellbeing in older men. Coordination of the ‘Funky Farmworkers Food’ project, to promote wellbeing with at-risk young farm workers and their employers. |
Rural Environments Partners: RCPHO(Rural Canterbury Primary Health Organisation), Rural Support Trust, ACC, Department of Labour, Oxford Community Trust, Agribusiness, local schools. Police, Fire Ambulance, Neighbourhood Support, Civil Defence, Rural Fire, |
Down the Back Paddock rural safety education programme Farm safety education sessions at small block-holder’s group meetings Quad bike safety education and media campaign |
Homes Partners: ACC, North Canterbury Sport and Recreation Trust, Mitre 10 Mega, Rangiora, Department of Labour, Coastguard, Local liquor licensees, police, ACC, Corrections, Turnaround Waimakariri, Road Safety, local preschools, Wellbeing North Canterbury, Site Safe |
Our ‘Parents as Role Models’ programme is aimed at encouraging parents to think about the impact of their drinking on their children: Ladder Safety/ DIY Home Safety, including in-store displays at DIY outlets and at local events. |
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Older Persons Falls Prevention, including Active Ageing events, the 'Nite Lite' project and support for modified Ta Chi programmes Support for ACCs NZ Safety week, Home Safety promotion Support for Age Concern’s ‘Home and Personal Safety’ programmes, both led by Age concern |
Road Safety Partners: NZ Police, NZ Transport Agency, Automobile Association, Ashburton District Council Road Safety, Environment Canterbury, Waimakariri District Council Utilities and Roading, Rangiora Rotary Club, Rangiora Pakete Lions Club, Rangiora Lionesses, Kaiapoi Lions Club, Local MPs, Waimakariri District Councillors, primary schools |
Support for Age Concern’s ‘Driving with Confidence’ workshops for older drivers Recidivist Driving Course |
Public Spaces: Partners: Waimakariri Access Group, Councillors, Waimakariri District Council Green Space, Policy and Strategy, Planning and building units |
CPTED: (Crime Prevention through Environmental Design) This incorporates structural and landscaping design that takes into account visibility and accessibility in public places.
Water Partners: Water Safety New Zealand, Swimming New Zealand, Surf Lifesaving, Coastguard, Waimakariri Aquatics, local primary schools |
Although Injury Prevention includes promotion of water safety and safe boating, water safety is also a key priority for Council’s Aquatic’s Team, who are increasingly recognised as leaders in this area. PoolSafe Accreditation |
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Surveillance of injuries:
There are a number of sources for injury statistics. These sources include but are not limited to: ACC, Ministry of Health, CDHB, NZTA, Police, St Johns Ambulance, Coronial Services and various local council data/surveys.
Number per year: Waimakariri TLA region from National Query System all external causes, all intents, both genders, all age groups Fatalities - Year 2009 crude rate: 38.4 (n =18)
Injury Hospitalizations - Year 2011 crude rate: 1,401.5 (n=681) Population base: 47,600 (30 June 2010)
Started year: 1994
Local data points to falls for children in this age range to be a leading cause of injury in our district. This means that, in line with NZIPS, Ministry of Health and Safekids NZ objectives, child safety continues to be a priority for Injury prevention Waimakariri.
Young People (Youth)
Youth represent approximately 15% of our District’s youth population. Key issues putting our young people at risk of injury are drug and alcohol use, high youth unemployment and a relative shortage of recreational opportunities (particularly since the Canterbury earthquakes when we saw a significant number of facilities damaged) The Waimakariri Youth Development Strategy 2010 was developed in order to provide a framework around which some of these issues could begin to be addressed
Older Persons
Falls continue to be the leading cause of injury for this age group, both nationally and according to local data. With older people leading the statistics for falls and district-wide projections pointing to an ageing population, Injury Prevention Waimakariri continues to support proven Falls Prevention initiatives in the Waimakariri District.
In line with the government’s priority to Whanau Ora, Injury Prevention Waimakariri is committed to working alongside Maori as they identify specific needs and develop programmes that address unintentional injury to local Maori; who consistently feature above average in injury statistics.
40 – 49 year old males
This group not only represents the highest age demographic locally, but also features as one of our most commonly affected falls injury group and in suicide statistics
Every day 11 farmers are seriously injured and approximately one farmer is killed every 2 weeks. Last year ACC paid out $72 million of ACC Claims, related to rural injury. 35% of the Waimakariri population resides rurally. We utilise local and national data and align ourselves with ACC rural priority areas to address rural injury with proven, locally relevant programmes, in association with a variety of key stakeholders
Family Violence
While national statistics appear to be down, local Police, Women’s Refuge and Social Service providers all report that family violence has increased significantly in both incidence and severity following the recent earthquakes. In response to this we have prioritised the development of a broad strategy to address Family Violence in the Waimakariri.
Alcohol-related harm
Local police report that alcohol contributes to over 81% of local crime statistics. Furthermore alcohol contributes to 15% all injury road crashes in the Waimakariri District. Anecdotal evidence from those working in the health and aged care sectors points to a correlation between alcohol consumption and falls in older people
Road Safety (see ‘Crash List Detail report 2012’, appendix 4, form A)
Using NZTA crash data, the NZTA communities at risk register, the “Safer Journeys’ strategy and the Waimakariri District Council Road Safety Strategy, five areas were identified as a priority for the District.
These priority areas are;
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Speeds including drive to the conditions Younger drivers
Alcohol and drugs
Roads and roadsides including intersections Restraints
The Waimakariri District continues to have a higher than National average suicide rate.
National and Waimakariri Suicide Statistics
25 20 15 10
5 0
Suicide Statistics (Rate per 100 000) Note: the 2009 - 2011 statistics are provisional. No recent statistics can be obtained for the Waimakariri.
2010/11 2009/10 2008/9
National Waimakariri
The following documents have been produced through, or align with the work of the Waimakariri District Council Community Team
Waimakariri Community Development Strategy 2007 – 2016 Waimakariri Road Safety Strategy 2011 - 2016
Waimakariri Youth Development Strategy 2010
Waimakariri Community Alcohol Action Plan 2009
Social Services Waimakariri Charter 2010
Social Services Mapping in the Waimakariri District 2011 Waimakariri Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2012
‘Older Persons’ Helpbook’
Active Ageing Recreation Directory
Further to this we have produced a variety of brochures, booklets and branded resources that support our work in water safety, child safety, older person’s safety, road safety and family violence prevention. These can be viewed on www.waimakariri.govt.nz
Number: Nine
Professions: part-time or full-time:
Community Team Leader: Full time Community Development Advisor: Fulltime Injury Prevention Coordinator: 0.75 FTE Rural Safety Coordinator: 0.4 FTE
Family Violence Coordinator: 0.5 FTE Road Safety Coordinator: 0.7FTE
Youth Development Coordinator: 1FTE Aquatics Centre Manager 1FTE Greenspace Manager 1FTE
The coordination roles associated with Community Safety are managed by the Community Team Leader; based at the Waimakariri Service Centre. This role reports to the Community and Recreation Manager and to the Community and Recreation Committee at Council. See diagram 1, below.
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Council Community and Recreation Committee
Community Team Leader
Community Development Advisor 1FTE
Injury Prevention Coordinator 0. 75FTE
Rural Safety Coordinator
Road Safety Coordinator
0.75 FTE
Description of the cross-sector group responsible for managing, coordinating, and planning of the SP/IP program.
The Waimakariri Community Safety Governance group is charged with developing, supporting and reviewing the strategic direction of Community Safety across the three areas, in line with the International Safe Community criteria. This group operates as a governance board with membership capped at 12 and selected according to agreed criteria for selection (E.g. a decision-maker in their organisation, strategic planning experience, local knowledge and experience, relevant experience around community safety.)
Current membership is as follows: Councillor representative
Older persons representative from Darnley Older Persons Club, a local respite daycare facility Child Safety representative from Plunket Society
Youth representative from local Youth Action Groups
Education representative from a local primary school
Business representative
Rural Representative
Police/Justice representative
Past representative from previous advisory group
Three Council staff support roles from the Community Team (i.e. Coordinators for Road, Injury and Crime Prevention ) Council Policy and Strategy staff representative
Road Safety Coordination Committee representative
The Community Safety Governance Group is Chaired by the Councillor holding the portfolio for Community. Minutes from these meetings are submitted to Council’s Community and Recreation committee
International commitments:
Hosted Travelling Seminar – 2008 International Safe Community Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand 1999 Study Visit: Safe Communities Hume and La Trobe 1997 & 1998
o Safe Communities Melbourne 1997
o Safe Communities Conference in Amsterdam 1998
o Pan Pacific Safe Community Conference Waitakere, 1999 o Safe Communities Conferences South Africa, 2004
o Safe Community Conference, Christchurch 2008
o Melbourne Safe Community Conference 2010
o World Safety, Wellington 2012
Participation in Pan Pacific Safe Community Network Webinars Participation in national ISC meetings and trainings in New Zealand
Youth Development Coordinator 1FTE
Crime Prevention Coordinator
0.5 FTE
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Community and Recreation Manager