Toshima City, Tokyo
Kumin-Hiroba (Citizens’ square) as a Safe Community Station
1. Origin of Kumin-hiroba
Toshima City has increasing population which is currently over 280,000. Although it has recovered as big as 37
years ago in 1980, the population of 0-14 years old has declined to the half and the senior’s population over 65 years
old has increase to the double. With the increasing senior’s population with decreasing young generation, our life
style and relationship with neighbors have changed. Those changes have weakened the community ties which has
been creating serious problems in the society.
To solved problems in the communities, Toshima started to set up Kumin-hiroba (Community square).
Therefore, Toshima decided to build facilities which can be used by variety of generations for cross generation
communication in 22 elementary school districts, by merging specific facilities for the senior and young ages under
18 years old into one facilities. In the ten years since 2006, all 22 elementary school districts have set up Kuminhiroba
in their areas.
2. Features of Kumin-hiroba
Currently, Kumin-hiroba facilities are used by 790000 users every year. One of the feature regarding to this
facility is residents’ ownership. Residents organize the management committees, eight of which are now
incorporated as Non-Profit Organizations (as of April in 2018) and have contract with the City government for the
management of the facilities. The committees organize programs upon the problems in their communities.
3. Kumin-hiroba as Safe Community hubs
Since Toshima launch the SC programs, “Kumin-hiroba” facilities have been taking important roles as community
hubs. In each Kumin-hiroba, various safety related programs have been organized and provided to the communities.
The facilities also provide various information such as how to prevent unintentional suffocation and burning among
children through the Mini-Safe Kids corners.
However, major users of the facilities are senior and the generations between 18 to 64 years old which tend to
have small children in their home take about only the half of the senior users. Therefore, they are trying to recruit
those generations. As their challenge, they started to open the facilities on Sunday three years ago. In that way,
younger generations can visit the facilities and participate to community activities. As they attend to the programs,
they are learning how to promote their communities and their safety by connecting with their neighbors.
Fall Prevention programs Image training for safe behaviors Making portable toilets for disasters
つなぐ・つながる セーフコミュニティステーション「区民ひろば」
豊島区役所 区民部地域区民ひろば課長 八巻規子
4. 区民ひろばの成り立ち
5. 区民ひろばの特色
ます。さらに、この運営協議会が発展してNPO 法人化し、区から運営業務を受託する「自主
6. セーフコミュニィの拠点は区民ひろば
みが届かないことが課題です。 そこで、2016年から3年間かけて、全ての区民ひろ
高齢者の転倒予防体操 安全行動イメージトレーニング 災害時の段ボールトイレ作り体験
Presentation of the Safe Community Programs
Toshima City, Japan
Name of the Community:Toshima city
Number of inhabitants in the community:284,307 (as of January. 1st, 2017)
Safe Community Program started year: 2010
International Safe Communities Network Membership: Designation year:
2012, Re-designated 2018
Name of the Safe Community Support Centre:
Japan Institution for Safe Communities
Name of Certifier: Designation year:2012
Prof. JoonPil Cho
Prof. Lu Pai
Prof. Bo Henricson
Designation year:2018
Prof. Michal Grivna
Name of Co-certifier:Designation year:2018
Prof. Lu Pai
Info address on www for the Programs: