Tehran District 22
afecommunity of District 22 of the Tehran Municipality.
The Cascade of the district 22 of the Tehran Municipality
Name of the Community: District 22 of Tehran City Country: Iran
Number of inhabitants: 239,686
Program started year: May.9.2007
International Safe Communities Network Membership: Designation year: 2009, Re designation on 2015 by Guldbrand Skjönberg, Accredited Certifier by WHO Collaborating Centre on Community Safety Promotion
Info address for the Program: www.tehransafe22.com, http://region22.tehran.ir/ Full Application: http://www.phs.ki.se/csp/pdf/applicationreports/district22.pdf
For further information contact:
Abolghasem Molaei
Mayor of District 22 , Tehran Tel: +98(21) 44730002
Fax: +98 (21) 44708990
Email: mayor@region22.tehran.ir
Hassan Ghasemian Ardestani
Head of HSE and Secretary of the Safe Community Committee Tel: +98(21) 44730253-4
Cell phone: +989121954408
Fax: +98 (21) 44708990
Email: ardestani.gh@yahoo.com Adults 25-64 years: