San Borja
Safe Community San Borja
Country: Peru
Number of inhabitants: 131,000
Program started year: 2003
International Safe Communities Network Membership: Designation year: 2008
Info address:
For further information contact:
Nancy Luz Pisfil Gutierrez
Municipalit of San Borja
Joaquín Madrid 200 San Borja
San Borja - Lima , 041
Phone 051-1-6125555
Fax : 051-1-226-5756
The program covers the following safety promotion activities:
For the age group
Children 0-14 years: Yes (from 3 years of age)
Youth 15-24 years: Yes
Adults 25-64 years: Yes
Elderly 65+ years: Yes
At the following environments
Home: Yes
Traffic: Yes
Occupational: Yes
School: Yes
Sports: Yes
Related to Natural Disaster: Work places and safe houses in the event of earth tremors.
Program on Road Safety Rules – Prevention of injuries due to traffic accidents
Members of the National Sanitary Strategy of Traffic Accidents
Slogan: We are responsable today…we want Peru free of traffic accidents..
Slogan San Borja: Drive Safe crossing San Borja
The challenge that we face today implicates not only decreasing deaths and injuries caused by traffic accidents but also, and in a principal way, the modification of high risk behaviors among the members of our society. Traffic safety as a theme it is pretended to be incorporated in the idiosyncrasy of Peruvians, thus in the future eradicate completely the informal practice of transport or the high risk behavior on traffic.
Violence prevention:
The process of implementation “Project of Strong Families-Love and Limits”, targeted to adolescents from 10 to 14 years of age and their families, the purpose is to strengthen family ties as a protecting factors and preventing the appearance of high risk behaviors, drug consumption and teen pregnancy.
The methology is based on 7 working sessions:
1. Love and Limits, Objectives and Dreams
2. Home Rules, Appreciate Parents and Family Communication
3. Promote Good Conduct; confront stress, appreciation to members of the family.
4. Use sanctions; obey the rules and the use of family reunions
5. Building bridges, face the pression of the group and understand the principles of the family
6. Protection against substance abuse, pression of the group and good friends of the family and peer pression.
7. Connections with the community, help others and recapitulation
Health Promoting Schools, they incorporate the prevention and promotion of Mental Health in the school arena, in the three levels of intervention, students, teachers and parents, values, duties, rights, consequence of Domestic Violence in school performance, Social Abilities, in workshops and working days in tutoring hours and in off-working hours with parents.
Suicide prevention:
Through de Municipal Defense for Children, Adolescents and Women- DEMUNA, the Local Government identifies the cases with suicidal risk, as a consequence of family violence, and intervenes providing the person in suicidal risk and its family surrounding emotional support, improvement in self-esteem and stress levels, afterwards carrying out follow-ups. This way, in inter-institutional coordination that refers the case for a specialized attention.
In 15 years of service DEMUNA has identified 20 cases of high risk people.
Programs aiming at”High risk-groups” :
Action Plan against Juvenile Violence and Delinquency - use and abuse of illegal drugs-PANDRO, actions with the Peruvian National Police, Serenazgo and an Organized Community, targeted to the population with very defined sectors that are critical due to delinquency, fear and violence.
Lines of Action are:
Communal Mobilization
Social Prevention
Social Reintegration
Access to Justice and Coordination Police-Judicial
Investment Projects: prioritized in favor of the community and preferably in respond to the necessity of the elderly and handicap people, in preventing injuries due to traffic accidents and against criminal acts.
Surveillance of injuries :
Registry in the Integrated Platform of Tax Collection (PIAP) though our emergency central system, using a unified format and information analysis, that allows to document different occurrences, among them injuries due to traffic and violence, everything within the district.
Numbers per year: 2006 2007 2008 (I Trimester)
Domestic Violence 152,173
Child Abuse 7,825
Sexual Violence 150
Traffic accidents and Injuries 363
Population base: 131,000 habitants
Started year: 2006
Publications : NO
Produced information material, pamphlets :
- Guides on Transit Education
- Informational Brochures
- Scripts for theatre-forum on Domestic Violence
- Security Flyers
- Civil Defence Flyers
- Hand-outs on various themes
Number: Personnel that works for the Transit and Security Management, Human Development, Unit of Civil Defence-Permits, Neighbourhood Participation and representatives for each of the Community sectors (36)
Professions: full-time: Police Officers ® and Sub-Officers Oficial (r), security agents, Engeniers , Doctors, Social Workers, Psychologists, Lawyers, Administrative workers, among others.
Permanent: Yes
Organization: Municipality of San Borja
Specific intersectoral leadership group: Civil Security, Firemen, National Police, Doctors, Paramedics, Social Workers.
General public health/health promotion group: Ministry of Health
International commitments:
Study visits: Parade in Colombia-CISALVA and a visit to the Municipality of Peñaflor in Chile know their experiences as a Safe Community
Participation in Safe Community conferences: NO
Hosting Safe Community Conferences: NO
Hosting ”Travelling Seminars”: NO
Other NO
For further information and illustration go to: