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Safe Community Rakkestad, Norway Certifying Center: Norwegian Safety Forum

Name of community: Rakkestad commune
Country: Norway
Number of inhabitants: 7.550
Program started year: 1997 International Safe Communities Network Membership Designated: 2000

Re-designated: 2010
Rakkestad on the Norwegian web-site www.rakkestad.kommune.no

For further information contact: Terje O. Eriksen E-mail: terje.eriksen@rakkestad.kommune.no

Address: Rakkestad commune, pb 264, NO-1891 Rakkestad Phone: + 47 69 22 55 00
Norwegian official organization number: 945 372 281 Mail: postmottak@rakkestad,kommune,no

Organization Structure:

The council of Rakkestad municipality has delegated the work of coordinating the
safety promotion and injury prevention work to the "Criminal Prevention Council" with the following members:

  •   Police officer (Ieader)

  •   Police officer (secretary)

  •   The president of the local office for Gjensidige Insurance and Fire insurance (who

    is the spokesman regarding tasks linked to the Safe Communities - concept).

  •   The vicar

  •   Two members from the municipality council: municipal manager, head of section of the family center and division of development and emergency.

  •   Volunteers: representatives from Lions, Rakkestad.

  •   Deputy major

The criminal prevention council`s task is to focus on preventive measures. The council has a counseling and network function for safety promotion and injury prevention in the community. The council interacts with a number of sections and units in the public sector, in addition to private and voluntary initiatives. This is in the best interest for a safe local environment.

Municipal employee, and responsible for the Safe Community concept, is Terje O. Eriksen. The working model in the municipality is networking and co-operation with municipality authorities as well as NGOs and private business-sector.

The program covers the following safety promotion activities Long term sustainable programs:

  •   Fire safety for all households, with a particular focus on sheltered housing and social housing.

  •   Fire protection program with the fire chief: Teaching program about fire safety directed

    towards first- sixth grade and ninth grade in primary and middle school.

  •   Traffic safety measures for preschool children, and students in primary and middle school.

  •   Injury preventive measures as a theme at the parent-teacher meeting in all preschools.

  •   Prevention of child accidents with guidance of the child health center.

    Programs directed towards high-risk groups:

Therapeutic environment resource, four positions, that interact with the middle school, psychiatric healthcare, child welfare services and the commissioner for culture and spare time activities.This resource is used in accordance to the drop-outs-perspective (students that do not show up or drop out in the transition between middle- and secondary school).

Arenas for interaction are established:

  •   The project "Job Circuit-program" which deals with "drop out" students, with alternative work and learning stimulating measures, where the municipality, NAV-municipality and district secondary school are involved. Target group youth 18- 25 years old. Read more at: www.jobcircuit.net .

  •   "Night ravens". Adult volunteers that do inspection tours (walks) in the weekends to secure safety in the community and help youngsters that might need adult support,

  •   Fire prevention for elderly. The municipal fire and emergency department and Gjensidige. Fire Insurance co-operate with the municipal home health service, Avdeling utvikling og beredskap.

  •   Informative measures about traffic accidents directed towards youngsters in the age 16-25.

  •   Drug preventive measures are given high priority.

  •   Knowledge and information about: "violence in close relations" interaction between

    municipal section / police and administration / crisis center.

  •   An "international groupin middle school targeting language and social science.

Schemes that document cause of injury, frequency and situations.

  •   Østfold - HEPRO provides health profile for young adults and follow-up of results.

  •   Through partnership municipalities where safety promotion work is being discussed and

    developed, coordinated by the National Network within the Safe Community concept.

  •   The criminal preventive council in Rakkestad has been given the traffic and accident and

    accident registrations and local criminal statistics - and has access to relevant subject and municipal plans.

    Evaluation measures

  •   The project "Job Circuit" - organized by the EU; Leonardo da Vinci organization: deasl with young adults and problems regarding drop outs. A 3 year long project. Read more about it at: www.jobcircuit.net

  •   Preventive measures in regards to " Violence in close relations".

  •   A preventive internal - knowledge scheme, organized by a public sector. Fire - and traffic -

    accident - preventive measures.

    Activities implemented by volunteer organizations and associations.

  •   The volunteer center communicates safety-creating measures for elderly and other target groups.

  •   Sanding (wintertime) (high degree of voluntariness).

  •   Security clearance of smoke detectors.

  •   Night raven- safety walks

  •   The organization Lions`s quest "This is your choice" - in cooperation with the school of

    Rakkestad, about self knowledge and functioning.

  •   The organization Lions`s Peephole" campaign(check who rings the door bell) get it for

    free, and free installment for elderly that wants it as a safety measure.

    Fields of commitment in 2010 and2011:

  •   Develop knowledge, dissemination and information methodology in relation to preventive work with the problem of "violence in close relations".

  •   Traffic information directed towards young adults from 16-25 years old with particular emphasis on immigrants. This is an information challenge that has to be much more contemporary in regards to the target group that we want to reach.

  •   An including local community that safeguards "diversity and cohesion" and through that is a Safe Community.

  •   Continue measures and follow up of young adults that "drop- out" in regards to school and work situations.

  •   Focus on fall and fire preventive measures for elderly.

  •   Focus on "wellness and safeguarding” measures that you yourself are responsible for. Good

    health gives safety. Example: Refreshing traffic training for people above 65 and activities that promote good health.

    Publications: Job Circuit a Leonardo da Vinci - Pilot project: www.jobcircuit.no

    Produced information material, pamphlets: Brochures, reports, programs and more

    International commitments:

  •   Study visits; Skøvde, Harstad, Udevalla, Fredrikstad, Reykjavik, Horsens

  •   Participating in Safe Community Conferences in; Skøvde, Fredrikstad, Reykjavik, Tønsberg

    and Oslo

  •   Hosting safe community Conferences: Not yet

  •   Hosting "Travelling Seminars"; Not yet.