Miraflores Secure Communities Program Community name: Miraflores
Country: Perú
Population: 85,065 inhabitants
Safe Communities Program began in 1996
Nectwork: Safe Communities Network - Perú
Designation date: 2012
Certifying Centre Name: Institute CISALVA-certification center for Latin America and the Caribbea
Web Address: www.miraflores.gob.pe
Miraflores is a residential district with high values. Miraflores promotes business development, respect for the environment, and quality of life for its neighborhood residents. Miraflores also encourages its neighbors to exercice their rights and fulfill their with responsibility.
For further information conctact :
Jorge Muñoz Wells
Mayor of Miraflores
Larco 400
PE-18 Miraflores, Perú
Phone: 511-617-7238
Fax: 511-617-7377
E-mail: Jorge.munoz @ miraflores.gob.pe Website: www.miraflores.gob.pe
Activities to promote safety as follow:
To read more click on the document under download