Presentation of the Safe Community Programmes
Name of the Community:
Country: Sweden
Number of inhabitants in the community: 38 414
Safe Community Programme started year: 1983-1984
International Safe Community Network Membership: European Regional Network
Designation year: 1989, 2003, 2008, 2014
Name of the Certifying Centre: European Safe Community Certifying Centre
Info address on www for the Programme: Application report:
For further information contact:
Name: Anna Stadig Pilhagen
Institution: Municipality of Lidköping
Address: Zip code: 531 88
Municipality/City: Lidköping
Country: Sweden
Phone: 0046510-77 12 81
The programme covers the following safety promotion activities:
Photo: Typical safety feature
For the age group, examples
Children 0-14 years:
- All pregnant women are screened with regard to violence
- A checklist is included in the child´s health journal with detailed information about accident risks in a child´s environment.
- Regularly informations about safety at the child care centres including information about safety equipment and about good, safe products.
- Komet, parent training program,
- Early, coordinated intervention, TSI. Five of the municipal administrations, Culture & Leisure, Children & School, Education, Social & Labour Market and Health & Medical Care collaborate with focus on early intervention for children and youths. Apart from giving less good quality of life, social exclusion is very expensive. Many types of social exclusion can be prevented through early intervention. Personnel in the administrations have been trained to evaluate the socio-economic effects of prevention, early and coordinated intervention as well as rehabilitation.
- Courses about child safety are available from the Red Cross
- Parents are given the opportunity to rent a baby safety-seat for their car
- When the child is 8 months and 3 years old respectively the parents are offered the opportunity to buy a helmet at a reduced price
- Safety at school transports
- In collaboration with schools, the police make class visits on the theme “Safe bicycles” in year 4. The school prepares the pupils with teaching on traffic rules and road safety that is adequate for the age group. The police carry out the practical aspects with a track where the pupils get to bicycle and test out various elements.
- Registration of injuries and incidents is done at each school, including upper secondary schools. The registration forms the basis for accident prevention work at each school.
- An equally plan to prevent bullying in pre-schools and schools.
- All playgrounds at schools and kindergartens inspected once a quarter, subsequent corrective actions.
- Years 0–6 schools have class sets of bicycle helmets, which the pupils can borrow on outings with the school and on traffic days.
- Rescue service carries out fire safety training for all children in preschool and education in accident protection for all children in Grade 5
Sports and leisure:
- Life vests can be borrowed for free from the public bath. For all ages.
- Ice prods can be borrowed for free from the public bath. For all ages.
- From 5th grade are able to swim a condition to get accepted into school physical education.
- Helmet compulsion in the skate hall for persons under 18.
- Adults patrol the streets of the town on Friday nights
- Alcohol-free discos are arranged by adults, sport associations, Culture & Recreation Department and the Fire and Rescue Service
- The Swedish Federation for Study Promotion has group activities including physical activity for children from an immigrant background and children with a disability
- At the municipality's allocation of funds to clubs are taken into account if the association carries out preventive work regarding alcohol and drugs, equality, inclusion and the environment.
Evidence-based strategies: Komet, parent training program.
Youth 15-24 years:
- Support to children and adolescents, 4-18 years who have experienced domestic violence.
- Repulse, adolescents 13-21 years offer individual discussions focusing impulse control.
- Komet, parent training program.
- NTF carries traffic education in grade 8 and upper secondary school.
- Don’t drink and drive, annual effort in upper secondary schools
- Equal treatment plan
- The police visit all year 8 and provide information on drugs, laws etc.
- Cooperation with the police about issues such as police presence in everyday life
- Rescue Services offers all children in grades 8 to participate in the annual safety competition “Camp Blue Light”
- There is a defibrillator at the upper secondary school
- The personnel is trained in heart and lung lifesaving, including use of defibrillators
- There are CCTV cameras at the upper secondary school, both for preventative purposes and for investigation of any incidents.
- All gyms, the municipality and the police participate in doping prevention.
- Counseling Centre, for young people in drug issues. The target group is young people 13-25 and their parents.
- The youth Centre, the work includes both individual and medical advice, examination end treatments and support in terms of psychosocial problems
- Youth activities is an activity center “Sockerbruket” for young people from Year 6 and up to 25 years. The center is alcohol- and drug free.
Evidence-based strategies: Repulse, Komet.
Adults 25-64 years:
- Neighborhood watch, neighbors oversees each other’s homes to prevent burglaries.
- AB Bostäder, Lidköping’s municipal property company, tries to think and also act “safe and secure” in all its operations, both in existing properties and for new builds.
- Screening of pregnant women regard to violence, alcohol and drugs
- In all planning is road safety and accessibility for pedestrians, cyclists and public transport high priority
- Alcohol nonuse. The limit for driving is 0,2 promille.
- The municipality has introduced new speed limits and in Lidköping’s urban speed limits are now 30-40-60 km / h
- Law about Seat belts
- Systematic work environment is governed by the Work Environment Act and associated regulations.
Sports and leisure
- Defibrillators are available on a large number of sites.
- Study associations and the Red Cross offers courses in CPR
- An accessibility guide is available on Linköping Municipality’s website. The guide tells, for example, whether a selection of public premises are accessible by wheelchair, have a disabled toilet and customer telephone, are free from cigarette smoke and free from animals.
Older 65+ years
- The service “Fixarbrandis” a sort of handyman who visits elderly and disabled persons. The service, which is called “Fixarbrandis” is intended to carry out such tasks as can reduce the risk of the elderly injuring themselves at home by falling. Apart from doing handyman tasks, “Fixarbrandis” also offers a free safety inspection of the home.
- Persons aged 75 years and older are offered outside assisted living, such as assistance with snow shoveling, de-icing and lawn mowing
- Advice and support regarding the proper lighting
- Senior Alert – systematic injury prevention
- Senior Health is a working group with representatives from the municipality, the Red Cross and from pensioners' associations that work health promotion with a focus on increasing physical activity and reducing injuries from falls
- Campaign for slip spikes
- Balance training programme
- The municipality is investing in meeting places for the elderly with activities in partnership with volunteers and associations.
- The year that residents reach 75 they are invited to participate in a study circle of, among other things. health
- Physical and social activities by senior citizen organizations.
- The Red Cross friend service visit elderly with loneliness problems, and also accompanies them on visits to the doctor, for example.
- Two coordinators for the voluntary operation pass on contacts between those who want to help and those who want help.
Evidence-based strategies:
- Physical exercise prevents falls and fall related injuries
- Studies from the Vårdal Institute show that both preventative home visits to the elderly and information via senior meetings mean that people retain their independence for longer than if they do not get any information. Senior meetings were shown to give significantly better results when looking at dependency in three or four ADL activities.
Natural Disaster:
- Risk analyses and actions plans.
Violence prevention:
- Screening of pregnant women regard to violence
- A “responsible restaurant”, equality treating plans
- Adults patrol the streets of the town on Friday nights
- Repulse, young people are offered individual counseling with a focus impulse control
- The police work according to the Kronobergsmodellen.
Evidence-based strategies: Mediation, Repulse, Kronobergsmodellen.
Suicide prevention:
- Education Mental survival for staff in the municipality
- Promoting psychological health and working to prevent social problem
- Support and discussion guide.
Evidence-based strategies: Komet, parent training program
Program aiming at “High risk-groups”
The high risk-groups are:
- Indigenous people:
New Swedes in Traffic – road safety information, among them about children in cars, reflectors, seatbelts, by NTF, the National Society for Road Safety, in conjunction with Swedish for Immigrants, SFI.
- Low income groups:
"Fun in the summer" is an activity for children and young people whose families are not able to own activities
- Those at risk for intentional injuries including victims of crime and self-harm:
The social services field officers offer Impact programmes for youths aged 15-18 years, with counselling contact as part of the youth service. The programmes concern what the young person’s life is like, a description of themselves and their network, the crime, health and future.
- Abused women, men and children:
“Utväg Skaraborg” is a collaboration in the work against violence in close relationships. Utväg can offer individual counselling and group activities.
- People with mental illness and development delays or other disabilities:
The Family Centre is a collaboration of personnel from the antenatal clinic, child healthcare clinic, open pre-school and Social & Labour Department
- People participating in unsafe sports and recreating settings:
Riding school does a lot of safety to prevent injuries. Helmets and safety vests are used.
Security was important in the construction of the new indoor riding arena
- Homeless:
Emergency accommodation with six beds for the homeless inhabitants.
- People at risk from natural disasters:
All operations shall carry out risk analyses and thereafter draw up action plans to create an organization that has as good an ability as possible to handle any extraordinary event. The work also includes training and exercises. There is special legislation that regulates this work.
- People living or working near high-risk environments:
Road safety and accessibility for pedestrians, bicyclists and public transport is given high priority in all planning work.
- People at risk due to religion, ethnicity or sexual preferences:
Equality of treatment to prevent bullying within pre-schools and schools up to and including upper secondary schools. In upper secondary schools, there is also a violence and threat plan.
Work towards vulnerable groups are included in all regular activities.
Surveillance of injuries:
In Lidköping various data to monitor injury frequencies and causes are used. Besides injury frequency and causes are also statistics in mental health, use of alcohol and drugs, sense of security used.
Previously injuries was registered at doctors´ and dentists surgeries, health centres, hospitals and dental clinics. For some years now only injuries during medical visits to emergency departments in Skaraborg is registered. These data are not compiled or available to municipalities.
Number per year: 3 515 (2008)
Population base: 38 000
Started year: Actual period started in 1998.
Number hospitalized (Enrolled in hospital, at least 1 day) as a result of unintentional injuries per 1000 inhabitants. Lidköping has 11.2 per 1,000 inhabitants, which is less than comparable municipalities.
Produced Information material:
Folder, roll ups, brochure, websites.
Photo of leaders:
The Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Lidköping, the Municipal Executive Director, Chairman of the Health Care Committee in west Skaraborg, Region Västra Götaland
Number: 4
Public health coordinator, part-time
Safety strategist, full-time
Deputy Chief Fire Officer, full-time
Development manager social issues, part-time
Permanent: Yes
Organization: Lidköping municipality, Municipal Management Department
Specific cross-sectoral leadership group for safety promotion: Yes
General public health/health promotion group: Public Health Council and a drafting committee
International commitments:
Organised Study visits for the following visiting communities: Yes, a lot of study visits from different parts of the world
Participation in Safe Community Conferences:
- Borås (2008), National
- Staffanstorp/Lund (2010), National
- Falun (2011), International
- Falköping (2012), European
- Gothenburg (2013) National
- Harstad (2014), European
Hosting “Travelling Seminars”: 2011