Safe Community Komoro City
Name of the Community: Komoro City Country: Japan
Number of inhabitants: 44,207(as of Jan. 2012)
Programme started year: 2010
International Safe Communities Network Membership: Designation year: 2012
Name of the Certifying Centre: Center for Community Safety Promotion (Korea) http://www.city.komoro.nagano.jp/www/genre/0000000000000/1268634707395/index.html (Japanese only)
Application: http://www.ki.se/csp/pdf/application_a/297komoro.pdf
For further information contact:
Hideyuki Kobayashi (Mr.)
Institution: Komoro City Office
Division of General Affairs, Komoro City Office, 3-3-3 Aioi-cho, Zip code: 384-8501
Komoro City, Nagano Prefecture, Japan
Phone: +81- 267-22-1700; Fax: +81-267-23-8766
E-mail: somubosai@city.komoro.nagano.jp http://www.city.komoro.nagano.jp
The programme covers the following safety promotion activities:
To read more click on 297komoro-form-b.pdf under download