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Name of the community:
Number of inhabitants
: 48,771
Programme started year:
International Safe Communiti
es Network Membership:
Designation year: 2011
Full Application report:
Further information
Dr. Saeed Fazel
Khorambid Health Care Network
Vahdat blvd- Khorambid
Khorambid, Iran
Info address on web for the institution:
Children 0-14 years:
Epidemiological survey of injuries wi
thin this age group and setting the
Integrating the educational programs of safety principles in the health care
programs of children under 6 years.
Executing program in order to promote the culture of safety within this age
group such as holding painting competitions concerning Safe road, safe
school and safe home.
Planning to increase the knowledge of this age group about prevalent
accidents and injury- prevention in each of the age groups that
kindergartens’ children and primary schools students are educated.
Executing the programmes of Hamyar-e police (police- cooperator) in
primary schools.
6- Asking police and public health staffs to attend schools for implementing
educational programmes.
Youth 15-24:
Epidemiological survey of injuries with
in this age group and setting priorities.
Since traffic accidents esp. motorcycle accidents have allocated a significant
share of injuries to themselves within this age group, therefore most activities
are focused on this programme which mainly includes:
Implementing research plans of “Determining the situation of safety among
cyclists" aiming at identifying the factors which cause injuries.
Mandatory programme of buying crash helmets when buying motorcycles.
Executing the programme of “prohibition of using motorcycles at schools”
Planning in order to implement educational programmes about safety principles
and traffic accident- prevention esp. for high school students
Enforcing special preparations by Traffi
c police about observing safe driving
speed, using crash helmets for cyclists
Implementing certain educational programmes for high school students through
holding Rescue courses and maneuvers.
Planning for filling leisure times of
this age group in summers aiming at
decreasing the use for motorcycles (according to the rising number of
motorcycle accidents in summers).
25-64 years:
Since this age group are active class of the society so analyzing the injuries of
this age group and setting the priorities
and subsequently intervening, has been
done based on the type of occupations.
1-Executing educational programmes aiming at promoting safety skills of
trauma- prevention esp. among workers, contractors and factory administrators
(According to high incidence of trauma in this group).
2- Educating 100% of workers about using self protection devices with the
collaboration of Labor & social affairs and Occupational health offices.
3- Implementing educational programm
es about traffic accident- Prevention
regarding the high incidence of car accident s in this age group aiming at
promoting safety skills.
4- Implementing educational programmes for 100% of taxi drivers and
drivers of schools & organizations' bus services.
Elderly 65+years:
-Epidemiological survey of injuries in this group.
- Integrating the education of safety principles in the Elderly health care
-Holding special educational programmes for health liaisons, expert volunteers
and health staffs in order to empower the elderly in order to decrease injuries in
this group.
- Educating CPR principles to a member of their families.
Analyzing the data of injuries at homes.
Determining injuries caused by falls an
d trauma as the priorities of home
Completing the annual safety checklist of rural homes by Behvarzes(rural
health workers).
Analyzing the completed checklists and determining safety problems at
Planning for face to face
education of inhabitants during the completion of
6- Educational planning and asking city councils and other organizations to
collaborate for removing safety problems of rural homes.
Traffic passages:
Forming the committee for traffic accident – prevention.
Identifying high – risk spots of urban and suburban passages
Ranking high- risk spots in order to reform them.
Raising safety problems of passages in the committee and pursuing in order
to remove them.
Occupational environments:
Forming the special committee for oc
cupational injuries seasonally, by
presence of experts from Labor, Social welfare and Occupational health
Convening monthly meetings of health care safety committee in
workplaces with more than 25 workers in order to prevent occupational
Planning for implementing educational programmes in labor environments
aiming at increasing safety skills in occupational environments considering
the type of occupations.
Planning for paying constant visits to occupational environments in order
to determine unsafe items.
Promoting the safety of occupational environments.
1- Compiling the operational programme of safe- schools.
2- Surveying the situation of safety in 100% of the schools through checklists.
3- Analyzing the completed checklists and ranking unsafe items at schools.
4- Planning for educating more than 90% of students, teachers and principals
about safety issues.
5- Establishing intersectional harmony in
order to remove the unsafe priorities
of schools
Sports environments:
Annual evaluation of the situation of safety in sports environments through
the checklist.
Identifying present deficiencies and ranking them in order to be removed.
Planning for implementing educational programmes aiming at promoting
safety skills especially for trainers, athletes and those who use sport
Leisure environments:
Surveying the primary situation of safety in leisure environments through
the checklist.
Analyzing the results in order to rank existing unsafe items and deciding to
remove them in the meetings of the working group.
Providing consultative support about observing safety issues in sports
environments for contractors of the projects being built.
Violence – prevention:
Establishing a free counseling centre in the health care network in order to
educate problem – solving skills to youths.
2- Identifying quarrelsome students and those having criminal records and
referring them to counseling centers.
3- Providing consultative support for parents of students with criminal records.
Suicide – prevention:
Forming the suicide- prevention committee.
Holding suicide – prevention workshops for staffs of the health care
Establishing a free counseling centre in the health care network for
providing consultative support and educating problem – solving skills to
Referring suicide cases to the counseling center in order to be provided with
consultative support.
5- Providing consultative support for parents of those who have committed
suicide about communicational skills.
Programmes aiming at “high- risk group”
1- Cyclists are the high- risk group of the community by allocating the highest
incidence of injuries in youths to
themselves. There fore implementing
educational programmes enforcing traffic regulations more strictly and
increasing availability to crash helmets and implementing research
programmes are among those items being done for this age group.
Natural disasters:
A social semi-military movement which target cultural, military and
unforeseen disasters as an aid
Setting up Khorambid’s Disaster Center by the end
of 2009
Surveillance of injuries
1- Hospital and health care centers.
2- Emergency service
3- Legal medicine
4- Sabte-ahval office (Registration of personal status organization)
Number of injuries per year:
1098 in 1383
Population base
: 48,771
Started year
: 2006
Scientific publications
Home safety-school safety-kindergarten safety-accident prevention in children-
suicide prevention-occupational safety-animal attack
Produced information materials and research:
Photo of leader
26 profession: part- time: 23 full- time: 3
Name of the organization
: professional committee of safe community:
Gubernatorial – Healthcare network
– Municipality – County offices -City
council – Traffic police – Education – Power distribution office – Roads &
transportation office – Emergency service- Red crescent society – Legal
medicine – Media- Jihad- agriculture - Labor & social affairs – Maskan &
Shiraz- Gas company - Hospital – Physical education org – Administration of
justice – Technical& vocational tr
aining org - Social welfare.
General Health promotion committee.
National and international commitments:
Visiting Arsenjan’s safe community programme
Participation in the designation ceremony of Arsenjan (Fars) Bardescan
(Khorasan Razavi) in the community network.
Communication with Arsenjan and Neyriz safe communities
Participating in Tehran's safe community conference 2008.
Participating in Falun's safe
community conference 2011