Name of the Community: Kashmar Country: Islamic republic of Iran Number of inhabitants: 89,577 Program started year: 1998 International Safe Communities Network Membership: Designation year:2007
Kashmar, Iran - Application to Become a Member of the Safe Community Network
For further information contact:
Hassan Makarem MD District of Kashmar Healthy and Medication net work Imam khomeinei st. Kashmar 96719, I.R of Iran Phone: +98-532-8227506 fax: +98-532-8227501 Info address:
The program covers the following safety promotion activities: For the age group: Children 0 – 14 years
Pre-School Traffic Training
Safe Walk to School Training
Getting to School Safely
Children police program
School Poster and Coloring Contests
School police
Amblyopic screening and prevention program for 3-6years And prevention to future handicaps
House accident preventive education and implementation
Mothers education of child's Burned prevention and Interferences
Police force and many others (e.g. Road and transportation Agency, Behzisty office, municipality, healthy net) interactive safety exhibits
Community Safety Awards Program
Long Term Injury Prevention Program among children based on the health program for children: In this program, all children are screened in order to find any possible visual or hearing impairment leading to an accident or injury. (For example Health children program, Children’s disease merged care (MANA) program.)
Youth 15 – 24 years:
Use of Seat belt (safe belt) and helmet as a rule and culture In motor and car drivers
Volunteer's contribution in safety behavioral program Behind the Wheel Driver Education by children
Social injuries Awareness and prevention program
Before girl marriage (to violence and suicide prevention)
Implementation on suicide at youth and Consul whit their family
Driving Under the Influence Education Program
New Resident Driver Education
Youth First Aid/CPR training by Red Crescent organization
Medical Safety Promotion for those who are related to HIV and HBV. In this program we encourage youth and medical workers to apply for HBV vaccination and also implement many training program to increase safety especially against needle stick injuries leading to AIDS and HBV.
Earth quake maneuver in school
Traffic prevention training in school
House preventing training in school
Helmet fitting program
Fire fighting exhibits
Youth and mental health seminar (violence reduction)
Rescue and first aid maneuvers
Police force and many other interactive safety exhibits
Residents can dial to specific numbers and give necessary help or information (whole age groups) as below:
Call to 110 (police) when they encounter any dangerous, Such as Robbery, theft, etc, or need any help
Call to 115 (ambulance) for serious situation and event That need to Immediate medical interfere
Call to 121for electrical emergency
Call to 122 for water and sewage emergency
Call to 125 for fire fighting
Call to 147 for first aids and event information
Call to 148 for divorce and suicide prevention
Call to 149 for safety & health information
Call to 194 for gas emergency Community mental health assistant group
Adults 25 – 59:
Safety and Health Conference and Trade Show
Occupational Safety and Health Program
Occupational Safety and Health education by health Education center (named amoozeshgah behdasht loghman)
New Resident Driver Education
House safety assessment and face to face event preventive education and follow up for repair them
Motorcycle Safety Training
Fall prevention program among Diabetes or Hypertensions (HTN) by Diabetes clinic And diabetes and Hypertensions (HTN) screening
Custom Consulting
First Aid/Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation
Emergency Preparedness
Life style skills (Anger Management, self awareness, Critical thinking, emotion, bullying, Appropriate Decision Making and many others) for teachers and then they explained for students
Health Fair Activities
Community mental health assistant group
Fire fighting exhibits
Poison and safety training class by agriculture agency (Goal groups: rural population and farmers)
Home Safety
Rescue and first aid maneuvers
Fall prevention program and implementation
Elderly care program
Fall prevention program among Diabetes or Hypertensions (HTN) by Diabetes clinic and diabetes and Hypertensions (HTN) screening
At the following environments Home:
Safe home contests
Disaster and how to prevent contests
Fire fighters, law enforcement
110 and many other interactive safety exhibits
Elders Fall Prevention Media Campaign
Life style promotion program (E.g. Local Food festival and rewards)
Safety and Health Fair Activities
Stress Management for Adults
Home visit by health workers (Behvarz and Rabete Salamat)
Vulnerable places determination and accidents preventive Education
Home safety checklist, as a tool for safety promotion in home area
Face to face house event prevention training
Make earthquake safe houses and closely observation on Building architecture Organization
Pre-School Traffic Training
Children Police program
Behind the Wheel Driver Education
Adult Program
New Resident Driver Education
Motorcycle Safety Training
Motorcycle and event contests
Community Safety Awards Program
Safe motorcycle driving carnival
Driving Under the Influence Education Program
Road rescue and first aid maneuver
Traffic Educations program
Non government Traffic educational centers
Traffic retraining class for traffic trainers
External road vulnerable appoints and repair them
Intra town road vulnerable appoints and repair them
Intra and Inter town Traffic Alarm sign appointment
Critical path way and alternative road junction expand
Fixing guard rails in dangerous region
Police force and many others (e.g. Road and transportation Agency, Behzisty office, municipality, healthy net) interactive safety exhibits
Perform stopped who drive un safe or dangerous
Safety and Health Fair Activities
Fulfill Questionnaire for patient who referred due to Traffic accident
Occupational Safety and Health Awards Program
Safe work Newsletter
Custom Consulting
First Aid/Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation
National Safety Council Advanced Safety Certificate
Emergency Preparedness
Unrecognized House and other workshop recognition
Technical surveillance committees on factories
Periodical employers Examination
Student police program
Safety in paint and poem Contests
Pre-School Traffic Training and Getting to School Safely
Fire Safety Coloring Contest
Disaster and how to prevent contests
First Aid/CPR
Earth quake maneuver
Fire fighting exhibits
Safety promotion educational program
Pooling observation
Repair vulnerable places in play ground
Road and leisure rescue team and camp
Health and safety promotion program on sight seeing
Repair vulnerable sites especially for children
Developed parks and play grounds
Earth quake maneuver
Multi age group First aid/rescue training
Call to 147 information to Disaster first aid and rescue
Make earthquake safe houses and closely Observation on building by architecture Organization)
Violence Prevention:
Thus further of this violence's are due to unknown life skills (studied)
Holding explanatory session's as life skills for teachers and then students
At risk groups program for students, prisoners and etc
Study works on violence's prevalence rate in females at our districts and cause of them. (Send it as an article for 16th international conferences on Safe Communities Tehran 2007.)
Highly intersectional cooperation between health center and legal medicine department and so psychiatrists for decreased and prevention of violence's. (Anger Management, self awareness, Critical thinking, emotion, bullying, Appropriate Decision Making and many others) For teachers
Anger Management educational course for Adolescent
Appropriate Decision Making for adolescent
Stress Management for healthy net employers
Suicide and violence and how to prevent contests
Side by side home visit and Face to face education
Youth and mental health seminar
Community mental health assistant group
Fulfill Questionnaire for referred patient due to violence
Suicide prevention:
Call to 148 for counseling and suicide Prevention
Cause and epidemiology of suicide study
Life skills (Anger Management, self awareness)
Critical thinking, emotion, bullying, Appropriate Decision Making and many others) for Teachers and students Anger Management for teenager, Appropriate Decision Making for adolescent
Highly intersectional cooperation between Health Centre, legal medicine department and so Psychiatrists for decreased and prevention of suicide
Stress Management for healthy net employers
Implementation on suicide and their family Counseling
Programs Aiming at “High Risk Groups”:
Motor vehicle drives Safety Training and helmet fitting
Children burn prevention program
House event prevention program
Elders falling down prevention program
Surveillance of injuries:
Year- Population-Frequencies-Incidence rate Per 1000
Note: at year 2004 Khalilabad city and 44,000 persons was separated as a district that named Khalilabad district. Started year: 1998 (with 8,396 injuries numbers)
Published fourth number of "Nedaye imen" as a Safe Community Journal
Safe Community book (1,000 volume)
Published educational matter as below:
Suicide (5,000volume)
Violence (5,000v)
Safe elderly (5,000v)
Silent arts (safety in hand made carpet (5,000v)
How to prevent of occupational injuries (5,000v)
High pressure gas safety (4,000v)
High pressure capsules safety (5,000v)
Gas and gas consumer equipment safety (5,000v)
Stress as modernism result (12,000v)
Elder and driving (4,000v)
Children violence's (5,000v)
Forbidden driving grand Father (3,000v)
Suicide (8,000v)
Ecstasy and substance abuse (5,000v)
Violence's on women (1,0000v)
School accident prevention (5,000v)
Passenger safety culture (5,000v)
Children burn prevention (5,000v)
Elders fall prevention (4,500v)
Women occupational stresses (6,000v)
Accidents Lessons plan
Booklet for children burn and elders falling down, electricity and safety
Many tracts for traffic alarm signs and low, suicide prevention, violence prevention and occupational event prevention (up to 200,000 volumes) Staff:
Number: 10 Professions full-time:4 Permanent: 4 Chief of Health and Medication Network Hassan Makarem MD, M.Ghaemi MD Vice of Health and Head of Health Centre, A Mokhtarei MD Vice of Medicine, K. Zarezade MD Head Expert of Prevention and Control of Disease, I. Rahimzade (Bs) Expert for Safe Community, Amirei Giti (health worker "behvarz") Assistant for Safe Community Experts and Kashmar Health Centers personals as a whole. Professions part-time:80 Temporary: 30
Organization: Governorship- Health & Medical net –Municipality – Road agency – Education Agency – Disciplinary power. Specific intersectional leadership group: Committee – water and sewage agency –Gas agency – Sport agency- Town Council – Trade Union –Red Crescent Organization- Legal Medicine Department-Agriculture Agency-Behzisty (promotion in life) agency.
International commitments:
Participation in Safe Community Conferences:
Workshop for prevention of events and accident, Tehran 2003
Safe Community seminar 2003
Kashan Safe Community seminar May 2004
Involvement in Safe Community Conference, Tehran June 2007
National Safe Community Workshop 2002
Sent and acceptation of tree article to 15th Safe Community Conferences Cape Town 2006 (two articles accept as oral Presentation and one for poster)
Acceptation of article (Epidemiology of Children Burns and our implementation Effect in Kashmar) in 3rd national Epidemiology congress of Kerman
Acknowledgments: We really appreciate of co workers specially in (Country level) Minister of Health, Treatment and Medical Education Professor M Lankarani, Vice of Minister and Head of Health Department Professor, Moaiied Alavian, Head of the Center for Disease Control Professor M.Gooya, Vice of Uncommunicable Dr Ramazani, Head of Injuries Prevention Department and Focal Point for Safe Community A.R.Moghisi (MpH ,MD)and et. All, (Provincial level) President of Mashhad University of Medicine Professor M.Maleki, Vice President in Health Department and Head for Provincial Safe Community Committee professor M.Majdi and his Vices Dr GH.Khooban and Dr. Khodaei, Head Manager of Disease A. Yousefnejad MPH, Vice of Head Manager of Disease Jooya MD, and the end Mrs. Khorshahi Azar Provincial Staff and expert for Safe Community that helped us and gave a hand.