Safe Community Hsinkang
Name of the Community: Hsinkang Community, Chiayi County
Country: Taiwan, Republic of China
Number of inhabitants: 3,508 (Zhongzhuang and Guming Villages)
Progra mm e started year: 2006
Designation year: 2009
Full application available: English; Chinese
For further information contact:
Ms Pei-Ling Hou
HsinKang Community Safety Promotion Center , ChiaYi County
4F , 28-1, Gong-Yuan Road , HsinKang Township
ChiaYi County, 616 Taiwan
Phone: +886-5-3747552
Fax: +886-5-3744994
E- mail: fuyun.mail@msa.hinet.net; ruth6621@yahoo.com.tw
Info address: http://shg-cyh.doh.gov.tw/pub/LIT_11.asp