Hammond, Louisiana
Certifying Center for Safe Communities
On behalf of the WHO Collaborating Centre on Community Safety Promotion,
Department of Public Health Sciences, Division of Social Medicine, Karolinska Institute, Sweden
“It’s a Beautiful Day in Hammond, America!”
Name of the Community: City of Hammond Country: United States of America Number of inhabitants: 20,037
Program started year: 2009
International Safe Communities Network Membership designation year: 2012 Info address on www for the Program: www.hammond.org
Full Application: http://www.ki.se/csp/pdf/applicationreports/hammond2012.pdf
For further information contact:
Claude Maher
National Safety Council Southeast Louisiana
4200 S I-10 Service Rd.
Metairie, United States of America
Phone: 011-1-504-888-7618 Fax: 011-1-504-888-7612 E-mail: claude@metrosafety.org
Info address: www.metrosafety.org
The program covers the following safety promotion activities: