Cuautitlán Izcalli
Name of the Community: Cuautitlán Izcalli
Country: Estado de México
Number of inhabitants: 511,675
Programme started year: 2009
International Safe Communities Network Membership: Designation year: 2011 Info address on www for the Programme: Full application available:
For further information contact: 01 (52) 55 52 02 43 61
Lic. Sharo Álvarez Gómez / Lic. Joan Carlos Puig Carrillo
Asociación Nacional de Consejos de Participación Cívica, A.C. – Centro Afiliado Explanada No. 1230 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec
Distrito Federal 11000
Phone: (55) 52 02 43 61 Fax: (55) 52 02 35 01
Cuautitlán Izcalli
Cuautitlán Izcalli is one example of his ability to build agreements, involving citizens, Government, private sector, community-based organizations and civil society in general, in an act of shared responsibility for security. Through this certification, we are moving forward in the creation of local infrastructure, for the prevention of injury and promoting safety; Today we are going in the path of building a model of control and prevention of injuries and violence in the Izcallense population.
Certification of Cuautitlán Izcalli municipality in the State of Mexico as a safe community; brings as profit guarantee structure and infrastructure capacity for injury prevention and safety promotion, involving governments, the private sector, community-based organizations and civil society in general, in an act of shared responsibility for the security and the people of Cuautitlán Izcalli.
Thereafter we will have to incorporate other programs where more involved the three orders of Government and the community, such as attention problems fact with other municipalities on the road, water supply, waste treatment, emission control toxic, treatment of sewage of industrial plants, rain network and drainage, among other important issues; because inevitably will appear later problems, to be resolved require the support of the Government of the State or federal, try works or projects are not available to the local budget.
Safe communities scheme, is based on both participation of the Government institutions of civic organizations, in the municipality of Cuautitlán Izcalli e.g. public policies oriented to security and the protection of citizens, are taken into account to the Guild organizations and Chambers.
Centro de Monitoreo y Video vigilancia Fuente: Dirección de Seguridad Pública
Name: Alejandra del Moral Vela
Professions: Presidente Municipal Temporary: 2009-2011
Organization: Municipio de Cuautitlán Izcalli.
Specific intersectoral leadership group: Gobierno
General public health/health promotion group: Todas las edades, generos, y grupos vulneralbes.
International commitments: CISALVA – site inspection for the certificate of Cuautitlán Izcalli life safe community.
Study visits:
Participation in Safe Community conferences: NO Where? Hosting Safe Community Conferences: NO When?
Hosting ”Travelling Seminars”: NO
Other, what?..... Participe in conference of ANCPC in México.
1. The community