Name of the Community : Abadeh
Country: : IRAN
Number of inhabitants : 98783
Program started year : 2009
International Safe Communities Networ
k Membership: Designation year: 2011
By European Certifying Centre
Info address on www for the program :
Full Application report:
For further information contact :
Name of leader : Dr. Alireza Tavakkol
Institution : Abadeh Health Network
Address : Booali blvd., Azadi sq
uare, Abadeh, Fars Province
Zip Code : +98-0751
City : Abadeh Country : IRAN
Phone : +987513337007, 3349192, 3337008
Fax : +987513332804
Info address on www for the institution :
Safety Promotion Activities:
Children 0-14 years :
- Identifying prevalent injuries in
this age group through data analysis
Planning and implementing educ
ational program of "prevale
nt injuries-prevention"
- Kindergarten instructors with th
e collaboration of Welfare office.
- School teachers with the collaborati
on of police and Red Crescent Society.
- Mothers having less than 5 -year old children wi
th the collaboration of
Family Health unit.
- Kindergarten children and students with the coll
aboration of Police and
Red Crescent Society.
- Implementing practical programmes
such as: games with the content
of safety, practical education
of traffic regulations in Traffic Park.
- Implementing symbolic programmes such as:
- Kindergarten children's marc
h for injury-prevention.
-Holding memorial exhibitions for tr
affic injuries victims with the
collaboration of kindergartens.
- Holding "earthquake ma
neuver" at schools.
- Preparing and delivering
"Child Injuries" pamphl
ets in kindergartens.
- Children's participation in administrative programme
s such as "School's Police" and
"Hamyar-e Police" (P
olice cooperator).
15-24 Age Groups:
The most prevalent injury within
this age group, based on registered
data, is motorcycle accident.
The priority of educating injury
-prevention issues was given to
motorcycle accidents and using
safety helmets.
- Providing and delivering pamphl
ets, leaflets and health mo
ttos about motorcycle injury-
prevention for high risk groups.
- Holding educational programmes about traffic regul
ations for high school and university students,
scofflaw motorcyclists, health liaisons and local administrations' expert liaisons.
- Punishing scofflaw motorcyc
lists and arresting their mo
torcycles for three months.
- Providing safety helmets for motorcyclists with sp
ecial discount in order to persuade them to use
- Building motorcycle tracks aime
d at motorcyclists' catharsis.
25-65 years Age Group:
- Educating occupational groups such as wo
rkers, farmers, shopkeepers, instructors,
based on
prevalent injuries in each group
- Educating health volunteers a
nd planning in order to convey
educational messages to people by
- Holding "safe driving" seminar for different
groups according to high incidence of traffic
- Most injuries in this age group
include trauma, car accident and
motorcycle accident, so following
activities were being done
in order to prevent inju
ries in this age group.
- Providing and delivering different
publications such as pamphlet
s of "an introduction to safe
communities and their targets ", " safe driving " and " safe trip".
- Holding "safe driving, w
ithout injury" seminar.
- Serious follow-up for implementing the mandatory
use of seat belts with
the collaboration of
Traffic police.
- Implementing symbolic programmes such as:
Mount climbing with the motto of safety.